
All The Relations

Presented by
Dance Cork Firkin Crane

01/12/2023 - 01/12/2023

7:30 pm

Smurfit Theatre

€15 / 12 concession

Photo credit: Angie Pappas Constable

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Firkin Crane Theatre, Cork: All The Relations

All The Relations by Angie Smalis & Colin Gee is a work of story-based dance featuring eight dancers, a narrator and live music, about an event in a small town.

All The Relations by Angie Smalis & Colin Gee is a work of story-based dance featuring eight dancers, a narrator and live music, about an event in a small town. It focuses on sources of personal conflict to deepen our experience of the many characters involved and explore a new perspective on demographic shifts brought on by climate change, while also exposing the interconnectedness between individuals through a larger sense of family, friends, community, nature, and species. As the story is told, the dancers  dramatise moments of inner conflict and doubt that the characters within the story are grappling with. 

"Watching two people make tiny adjustments to their torsos for an hour might not sound like the most exciting night at the theater. But when those people are Colin Gee and Angie Smalis, it's uncannily absorbing." - Siobhán Burke, New York Times

The Performance will be followed by a reception with Angie Smalis, Colin Gee and the cast of All the Relations in the Musgrave Theatre, all are welcome to join us.

Angie Smalis and Colin Gees’ work, since 2014, has focused on developing a methodology to express contemporary and universal concerns through a character/place-based dance vocabulary. The works they create together propose a new use of narrative in character-based dance and an opportunity to engage with novelistic storytelling technique through movement, exploring how the limitations of “persona” can be shown and to provoke the kind of ethical imagination a story addresses.

Cast, crew and designing team
Angie Smalis - Lead artist/Producer/Choreographer
Colin Gee - Lead artist/Writer/Dramaturge
Ain Gordon -Creative Advisor
Archivist- Cori Olinghouse
Salma Ataya - Dance artist
Mark Carberry - Dance artist
Mia DiChiaro - Dance artist
Philippa Donnellan - Dance artist
Yumi Lee - Dance artist
Ruth Lehane - Actor
Pius McGrath - Narrator/Actor
Andy Connolly - Composer/Live Music
Erin Gee - Composer
Aoife Nic Athlaoich - Cellist
Diane Daly – Violinist
Daragh Dukes- Music production
Giordana Giache - Costume design
Martin Shannon - Set design
Evan kennedy -Make-up
Eloise Hickey- Lighting design
Kerrie Ahern- Production management
Dominik Kosicki-Film
Shane Vaughan-Photography
Alina O’Shaughnessy-Graphic design
Communications Co-ordinators- Leonor Miralles

Funded under the Arts Council’s Arts Grants Funding and Limerick City and County council’s Strategic Award 2023. Supported by Dance Limerick, Dance Cork Firkin Crane and the Irish Chamber Orchestra.

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